Is Toilet Paper Safe For Sewers and Septic Systems?
Is Toilet Paper Safe For Sewers and Septic Systems?

What is the best toilet paper for septic?
For more than 80 years, Charmin has been a reliable bath tissue, trusted in millions of Americans' homes. Extensive tests show that when Charmin is used as intended in a properly functioning plumbing system, it shouldn't cause plumbing problems. And, Charmin toilet paper is used by more plumbers than any other brand.
Is Charmin septic safe?
Yes. Charmin is septic safe and thoroughly tested to ensure it will settle in a septic tank and then undergo biodegradation in the tank.
Does Charmin test to ensure that its toilet paper is septic safe for plumbing?
Yes! Charmin evaluates its toilet paper to ensure that it is safe for all of the places it might end up after flushing. Products are tested at the Procter & Gamble global flushability lab in Cincinnati, OH. This helps Charmin make sure its products are safe for all of the plumbing systems they might encounter and the places they might end up after flushing. This includes drain lines, sewers, septic tanks, and municipal wastewater treatment plants.
Can I flush Charmin Freshmates?
Yes. Charmin Freshmates wipes are flushable and safe for sewers and septic systems. For best results, flush only one or two wipes at a time.
If toilet paper does not break down as soon as it hits the water, will it cause clogs in my toilet or drain lines?
No. In fact, bath tissue that does not break down right away holds up during use and protects your hands. Charmin toilet paper is strong enough to protect your hands and then starts to break down after flushing while in drain lines.
What causes septic tank problems?
Septic tanks need regular maintenance, such as pumping out every two to four years, depending on household size and use. Other common problems are drainage pipes that become blocked by plant roots or excessive water usage that prevents solids from settling in the tank.
Why do toilets or drain lines sometimes get blocked?
There are a variety of reasons toilets and drain lines get clogged – from children accidentally flushing a toy to tree roots growing in the drain lines. If a drain line gets cracked (from a house settling or heavy equipment running over the line, for instance), tree roots seeking water can grow toward the crack and eventually block the flow of materials in the drain line.
Charmin Guarantee
Charmin toilet paper and flushable wipes are clog safe and septic safe, guaranteed! If you experience a clog due to your use of Charmin toilet paper, we'll refund your purchase price. For more information click here.